Slow, Deliberate, Miraculous The Sandwich Plot is a classic of magic. Most modern sandwich effects have one thing in common - they happen quickly, in the blink of an eye. Prisoners explores the other end of the spectrum, where every move is slow, clear, and deliberate. A card is selected and can be signed if desired. The card is returned to the middle of the deck, which is then spread face-down on the table. The two Jokers are placed face-up clearly and cleanly at each end of the spread and the pack is squared. Immediately and with no moves the deck is re-spread, showing that the Jokers have jumped to the middle of the deck - sandwiching one card between them. It is the selected card.
"The BEST Prediction Effect EVER" - Used to Predict the 2018 World Cup Final This revolutionary new effect was created by Alex Pandrea and Beau Cremer....